Five Years Plus

{July 31, 2013}   Second Time Around

It is still a shock to receive a cancer diagnosis. Even though it’s happened before.

This time I’m calmer; it’s a world I already know. And it’s easier as I already know doctors I trust and who know me, or tolerate me as the case may be. Chuck is adept at research and only has to study up on what has changed in the past decade. He explained the current biopsy technique to me on the way to that appointment last Thursday and he already knows how to read the Path report I received Monday morning.

Despite my attention to diet, vigilance with my supplement schedule and constant reexamination of the happiness quotient of my life, cancer has appeared in my other breast. What shakes me deeply is realizing that what I have chosen to use to prevent this type of recurrence hasn’t worked.

Last time my diagnosis set off an intense period of severe mania. It made it impossible to sleep or work and even focusing to read or write was challenging. This is actually my most immediate health risk, so I’m keeping things as normal as possible and keeping my energy contained by limiting the conversations I have with others. This is part of the reason behind reactivating Five Years Plus. I can keep family and friends who want to follow my journey up to date. There is also the hope that someone going through the journey the first time might find something helpful here.

Anyway, I am working on getting a plan together without feeling overwhelmed, continuing to work and hopefully going ahead with my trip out West to play Canadian Nationals in a couple of weeks. One of my first steps is to consult with my surgeon to discuss my options and find out her schedule. When I showed up at my appointment today they had booked me with the wrong doctor. Since already having doctors I know is important to me, we turned around and went home. But not before the patient advocate assured me that I didn’t need to worry that cancer would be spreading if I waited until next week. This I know. I thought it was a nice touch though.

It does make me realize I need to get to know my GP’s office staff as it seems best to let them make the referrals.

Glenda says:

You have always been and will continue to be a source strength and inspiration to me. I hope you can feel the power of love from all the friendships you have. I am sending out happy and healing thoughts to surround you. Truly, Glenda

Dear Gyata,

Thank you for sharing this challenging journey with us. Please know that you are being sent great love and prayers to sustain and hold you at this time.


Ann Hedley says:

Well and thoughfully written Gyata, you are in a remarkably good headspace. I have being so looking forward to seeing you later this month and enjoying some great tennis, so was pleased to read you are hoping to follow through with this plan. Thanks for the update 🙂

Ann Hedley says:

PS. Please note the happy face would have been a heart if I had any idea what keystroke/s would create one!

Sue Atkinson says:

My friend Gyata, I am so sorry hear about your latest challenge with breast cancer. Stay strong and determined to do whatever route you choose. No one is judge what we decide to do. You are in my daily thoughts. Keep writing. Hugs – Sue

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